Friday, December 14, 2012

Farewell Paperie Year-in-Review

Well, gang. It's that time of year again. You know, near the end, when you look back as a small business owner on all the long days and all-nighters. All the stresses over money, travel, business development, web development, social media development, sanity development. You realize you've learned the real life meaning of poopy words like overhead, profit margin, invoicing, quickbooks. Oh, dreaded quickbooks. You have more grey hairs and paper cuts from the past 4 quarters (because that's how you measure time now) than you would have cared for. You don't know how you made it through. You still don't know if you're doing it right. And for the love of god, you don't know why someone didn't warn you before you jumped into this crazy shitshow of a professional path how it would completely dictate your life and the lives of those nearest to you...

Then you put all your awesome snapshots from the year to pretty music, and it turns out YOU'VE HAD THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

Happy Holidays from Farewell Paperie from jen pham-corbett on Vimeo.

And for some cray cray reason, you can't wait to do it all over again—maybe even better!—next year.

Happy Holidays to all of our clients, retailers, customers, paper friends & family. 

Jen & Lisa

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