Well, we did... and that's how our blog took the backseat to everything else that was on our plate. So to pick up where we (kind of) left off, here is a quick rendition of the National Stationery Show in picture story-telling format.
**We would have written much more at the time of the show, but since this is a recap and we can't remember that far back, the pictures will have to do. So without further ado:
Flying into San Francisco from Seattle. Pretty rad pic.
My awesome closet-room at Chateau Corbett. (I actually really liked my cubbie)
We worked and worked and worked on getting everything ready for our trip to NYC.
Our catalogs crammed into Jen's scooter
Prepping our mailers
And then the day came when we headed to New York.
I'm trying to cram everything into my suitcase.
We thought it would be a good idea to pack most of our booth display into our luggage, rather than paying for freight. We later learned it basically cost the same amount, since we had to pay for extra heavy bags. Newbie NSS mistake.
Finally in the cab to the airport. It was quite a challenge fitting all of our luggage.
Our digs in New York. We were right down the street from Javits.
We took trains, (no planes) and automobiles to move all of our crap from the hotel to the Javits Center. Cray Cray idea.
This was our booth when we got there.
And this was our booth after 3 long days of work:
Ok. So let's Tarantino-it to show the set-up.
And now here are the purdy detail shots of the booth:

The proud owners of the booth.
On a fun note, we also met up with some of our tradeshow bootcamp friends!
Clockwise: Andrienne (dingbat press), Lisa (sapling press), Jodi (paisley tree press), Carrie (anemone letterpress), Amber (flywheel press), Rachel and Jake (pistachio press)
3 LONG days later, we tore our booth down in about a half hour.
To cut it short, we'll say it was a very successful show for us. We had a blast and can't wait to do it again, next year. Imagine the possibilities....
(we had to end on a cheesy note.)
Stay tuned for our post about moving into our new studio in Seattle.
Here is a sneak peek of our new home:
Here is a sneak peek of our new home:
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