Ready for a few degrees of separation?: A friend of another friend of ours sent us this awesome link of a friend of theirs who had an AMAZING video shot of her wedding. And by amazing, I mean that I was sobbing by the end, despite never having met these people in my life.
Videographraphy isn't even the right word for the stylish, cinematic quality of the work of StillMotion Photo + Cinema. These people are changing the way we see our authentic, special events by showing them with the same quality and technique we expect from the fictional storytelling of the movie world. They do still images, create trailers for the nuptials, or films of the actual weddings. Not only is every piece artfully produced, but it adds such a fresh, unique point of view to each couple's story.
The particular one we saw was shot throughout the weekend's wedding festivities, cut on site, and then presented to the couple and their guests at the reception. There's even a video with a split screen of the couple's reaction as they previewed the special moments of their weekend, before it was even over. Check it out!
So last Friday I went to the movies with my boyfriend to see The Hangover. (Go see it!) And on the way there I saw this cool truck that was totally transparent on 3 sides. Inside, it looked like an office with a desk, and a couch, and some plants, which I thought was weird. But then I noticed a person actually sitting in the truck working on the computer. The truck was for "Clear", which is some kind or new internet. It definitely caught my attention so, the advertising geek in me knew I had to snap a pic. The other nifty advertising promo I saw that night was right in the movie theater entrance. It was a cute little coke vs. coke zero taste-test. The machine had tiny cups for you to place under the coke and coke zero spouts to get a 1oz. taste of each. I thought it was a fun idea and probably could've stood there to get several more samples of the coke zero, but Justin had already left to stand in the concession line and I didn't want to be left out of the candy making decisions.
This designer is amazing. I found his URL a few weeks ago and have been waiting to blog about it. His portfolio is amazing, but I particularly love his stereo.type mobiles. Each little letter is cut out with amazing precision and then strung on wire to create a mobile that looks so life-like it almost reminds me of an underwater sea creature or some microscopic amoeba. I can't imagine how long it takes to make these pieces. Make sure to look at the other links on the site too. They are just as beautiful.
I'm sure you've probably seen plenty of these at craft shows and in festivals. In fact, during the Highlands festival this past weekend, I saw a few crafters that were inspired by these flowers. Usually when you think of paper flowers, you think of the crappy tissue paper and wire roses you made in 3rd grade art class. But these flowers go above and beyond the simple, crafty flowers of elementary school. Check out these lovely flowers that are considered a Mexican tradition. They are usually made for the Day of the Dead (especially marigolds) but these can be created for any kind of holiday or occasion. It's amazing what these women can craft from such simple elements. I love the little bouquet!
Usually I hate getting junk mail...unless it's a magazine I subscribe to, a catalog to a store I love, but shouldn't even bother looking at their wares, or some kind of random windfall that has a nice fat check in the envelope. (Who am I kidding? A check for $5.95 was mailed to me recently for my mail-order contacts and I was excited). This past week I was doubly surprised when I received the new Anthropologie catalog. Let me tell you a little about my obsession with Anthropologie. I LOVE THIS STORE. Everything about it is beautiful. I love their clothes, their housewares, the smell of the store when you walk in, and especially the artful displays they have within windows and the different sections of the store. Their catalogs also amaze me. They aren't just a bunch of pictures lined up in a grid to sell clothes. Their catalogs are works of art. Seriously. I actually keep their catalogs for inspiration. Now, I know many of you probably think I'm a bit nuts, but I you have to admit this store is beyond beautiful. Needless to say, when I reached into my mailbox on Monday and got their new catalog, I was ecstatic to see they combined forces with Hatch Show Print (one of my favorite printing places of all time) to create the ultimate un-catalog. Not only are the photographs of the clothing beautiful, but everything about this piece of work is hand-crafted to perfection. Take a look at the cover, the headers and even the page numbers. All lovingly done by Hatch Show. Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do.
Since we didn't post our usual paper inspiration blog yesterday, I thought I would switch things up and just do it today. I happened upon this guy's site yesterday and I was amazed by his talents. His a writer and (obviously a great dad) because he makes the most awesome pinatas for his daughter's birthday every year. The site is called pinataboy. You will be blown away by all the cool pinata's he makes. I seriously want to have him make one for my birthday in August! He could be making some serious cash by selling these things! Plus, he also documents the making of his pinatas, so you can see the thinking behind each step. Check out the rainbow zebra. I'll attach some pictures I pulled off his website. You'll be wanting a pinata for your next occasion... or maybe you'll be inspired to create one yourself.
So we know we have been slacking a bit since our last post and we totally apologize for our neglect. Things have been super busy as far as the biz goes, and with the holiday weekend 2 weeks back, we got off track a bit. BUT last Monday, or little red letterpress finally arrived and it's in perfect condition. We absolutely love it and can't wait to get our hands dirty with ink. We also were surprised to actually get some letters with the press. (Jen is opening them in the above picture.) They are tiny, tiny individual letters that you hand space on a plate to create the wording. We were so excited to see what was in the letter box that we accidentally spilled them all over the place... then spent the next hour organizing them and placing them back in their respective places within the box. Obviously, the top pic is our precious little red press. I've also attached some pics I pulled off the net to show you what our lettering looks like and how you actually put them in the plate. More to come soon. Our studio (in Jen's apartment) was set up this past weekend, so we'll have much to blog about.
This is what our letter box looked like.
You can easily see the comparison of size between the actual letter and your finger. This is where you would place the letters in the plate.